We’re on a mission to rid the world of unnecessary emotional pain
…and we’re doing it by making effective therapy sessions easy to access for people and valuable for businesses

We’ve gone from 0 to 25,000 therapy sessions a year since 2020
Spill is founded.
Calvin Benton set up Spill after seeing how difficult it was for friends going through a tough time to access therapy. Having worked previously as a software engineer, he believed that technology could dramatically improve access to mental health support if it was used in the right way.
Spill goes B2B.
After trying (and failing) a B2C approach in its first year, Spill started selling its message-based counselling iOS/Android app to organisations. Although loved intensely by some users, the product is perceived as a ‘nice to have’ by businesses, and as a result growth flatlines.
Spill launches its video therapy product.
Instead of trying to change the format of therapy (with message-based), Spill focuses on dramatically improving access to therapy with its new product: the ability for users to book video therapy sessions in 3 clicks through a Slack app. With a COVID-shaped tailwind, Spill rockets from 0 to 100 paying companies by the end of 2020.
Spill raises a seed round.
Off the back of a hugely successful 2020, Spill raises a seed round of £2million led by Ada Ventures, with support from Seedcamp. The funding allows Spill to bring free-at-the-point-of-use therapy to even more people, with 13,000 Spill sessions happening during 2021.
Spill launches Safety Net.
Spill’s mission has always been about helping people to get support in their time of need. 2022 sees the launch of Spill’s mental health risk detection survey tool, Safety Net, which takes the pulse of a team’s mood each week and uses an algorithm to flag anyone at risk. These people are then messaged by a Spill counsellor immediately.
Spill hits 25,000 therapy sessions a year.
After predominantly selling to U.K. tech companies for the first couple of years, Spill expands its product offering beyond a Slack integration to offer MS Teams and web app integrations that service a wider range of industries, including law firms and food manufacturers. 10+ therapy languages and 5+ therapy timezones are also added, to service global clients.

...and all those therapy sessions are having a huge impact on employees

Meet the senior team at Spill HQ

....plus the people actually doing the work and giving the therapy: the rest of our HQ team and all our amazing counsellors!

Our six values guide how we work
Make it good,
make it fast
No ego,
no drama
We leave our ego at the door to do the best thing for the mission, even if it means choosing discomfort.
is a gift
everyone along
We make Spill information available to everyone in the company by default.